nApix AVI

Hey crossfire. Ive been afk for 1 or 2 months, and now im back to paly some ET again.(6o6)
So here is what I offer:

-Speaking spanish (100&), french (100%) and ofc english
-Hmm im not sure about skill now, but atleast MED-, can handle med though
-Can play any day of week from 19:00 - 20:00 and then around 21:30 cest untill im tired to go sleep. From friday-sunday i won't be able to play after 23:00 most of times.
-Can play Medic, rifle, multiclas
-Ts serv

What I need from you:
-Stable team, no new projects.
-Praccing atleast twice a week.
-atleast med- or higher.
-Motivated, funny but serious when needed.
-Good teamplay and nice atmosphere.

Hmm i think thats all!
Contact me @ PM or add me xfire: napix

Have a nice day ;)