Enemy Territory Fortress

image: VCJDQ

ETF Enemy Territory Fortress

I''ve been looking around the web and still see people posting on various forums about Quake 3 Fortress which came from Splash Damage in the early days and ETF Enemy Territory Fortress which where Q3F was ported too in 2005 saying they miss this game.

We have never gone away , in our own little IRC channel and website ETF has lived and continues to live so much so there is a update coming in 2012 with tweak fixes and new maps.
The community has always kept itself together and has built 3rd party maps to keep the mod alive and running.
What we love about this game is that fact its quick , fast paced , a split second decision can change a match and can change the outcome dramatically.
Currently ETF has 50+ maps for play some small , some trick maps for concussion/stun grenades and rocket/grenade jumping and various others with more to come in the update.

Most played maps:

Spring which is a 3rd party map built by Don Ids
OpenfireETF Release Map
Japan Castles ETF Release Map
Spider Crossings ported by Wrld MasterP
Last Resort ETF Release Map

A video that shows the gameplay of ETF

The game is on windows and linux at the moment , we have a full installer 900 meg for windows and the basic 260 meg linux ETF 1.6 file which you install over the top of your enemy territory installation

Come and try it on this public server or retro-esports.com:27965

Whether you have never played this fortress mod before or you are a old qwtf,q3f,tfc,ff player come give it a try its a free game and you never know you might even bump into a old school player reliving their former glorys ;)

ETF Game Files : ETFGather : #ETFgather
links don't work the way you posted em
Thanks i have amended them :)
For this kind of announcements and posts the "other news" -section is good too, just try the "contribute" on the right column. You get more visibility there & the post is viewable for a longer time.
i did that but .. Seanza has just deleted your news post:

Quote Enemy Territory Fortress

Reason: Please post this as a forum item or work on the presentation of the news item.
no banner = no news
welcome to cF youll like it here
I guess that means make use of imagery, present links and stuff to your site(s) and contact info, places for more information etc. in other words it just needs to look more fancy; maybe get some idea's from other newsposts here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&other=1 and here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news

crossfire (or regular) bbcodes etc are explained here: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=ubb
Theres a Reply button bro
Sorry my bad!
i remember seeing vids about this a few years ago, always was interested by it but my laziness to try new games (or mods) outweighs my curiosity. :<
Looks good actually some kind of quake(live) and et mix basicly? If you need help with the mark up tags for the news section /q SimonKinsler you can find me on #crossfire @ Quakenet.
qlstyle (same maps)
Q3 sir! (unless I'm missing something like stonekeep!!!!)
Good to see updates but unfortunately not my sort of thing. Although I am pro at everything, I don't think this game needs my ownage. All non-joking aside, I played this game a LONG LONG time ago, never really enjoyed it :(. I think someone ported the CHINA map over to it back then? Was way back in 2004? Must of been?
Never heard of a China map , what didn't you like about it ?
Never really liked deathmatch & just fragging games :P.
can u use ET config for that?
as its built on the ET engine , it does has a et config , you just need to tweak it for the class specific config.
ok thanks m8 :b
this is awesome, muchos love
a different video showing 1st person playstyles from various classes

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