Phazori avi

Since my last post didnt show that much succes I'll try it once again.

Im looking for a team to play 3 or 4 times per week, depends on what you actually expect and which will attend the upcoming cups and leagues.

I can play rifle or a mix between 2nd engr and fieldops (dislike playing medic btw) and I can claim that I can do that quite steadily (since everyone is med/+ on that community nowadays, I'll dispose myself between) Im not such a great aimer, but I'm a reliable teamplayer forward-looking to do objective.

I would really prefer if I know at least one of you.

Ex-teams can be found on crossfire, if you need further informations, just pm me at crossfire or at mIRC @ !

I can play today, so pm if you need me!

Some good track here for chilling out:
best of luck mate<333333333
gud luck! cu lan!
Good luck
gl roombro <33
good luck!
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