SK-Gaming recruiting for LAN

SK-Gaming* continues the search for awesomeness

image: s_head

With the Adroits ET Masters LAN tournament coming closer and closer we are here to pick up the last players.
SK-Gaming* originally founded by NetherlandsSimonKinsler, thereover the name SimonKinsler-Gaming, with the help of the almighty United KingdomPotty is looking for an addition of 2 awesome players.

For the people that already applied at the last post please consider applying again. Since the last post we tried to built an CrossFire admin team unfortunately that didn't work out.

Current line up:
  • Netherlands SimonKinsler
  • Finland Thomm
  • Germany Razzah
  • Netherlands wra1th
  • Europe YOU
  • Europe YOU

We haven't discusses about classes but we are pretty sure that will be fine so we aren't looking for any specific classes
image: s_head

Quote by Recruitments
  • 100% going to LAN
  • Generaly awesome person
  • Looking to have fun
  • Pay on your own - see what we have to offer!
  • Aiming for the number 1 spot!
  • Decent English

Quote by We offer
  • Generally a lot of fun and a cool club to hangout with during LAN
  • Some cheap priced shirts if the whole team wants it
  • RazZaH's endless supply of 'random' chicks

image: s_foot

We have done some calculations and our estimated cost are
~350/6= ~60 euro Entrace fee for the LAN
(2*56)/6= ~20 euro per night hotel cost.
We are planning on sleeping at Enschede from Friday night and Sunday night so that brings us to the cost of ~100 euro + travel + food/drinks.

@SimonKinsler #crossfire or PM
@Thomm #crossfire
image: s_foot

*=SK-Gaming name might change after we formed a full line up.
SK Gaming ditched the admin team! wow :(
admins ditched SK Gaming :'( eventhough we had a special bootcamp at thursday ;)
how many nigts do we stay in the hotel?
2, friday on saterday saterday on sunday more if people want to ofcourse.
alright! sounds fair
how would it sound unfair
Fri-Sat & Sat-Sun. Though I myself fly there already on thursday and leave tuesday, might go to other city too on the way, or stay there for the whole trip.
lol... i thouht it was about the real SK organisation... next team: EG-gaming looking for members
EG abbreviation for?
Still don't get it I know that joke potty made up with SK-Gaming but what is EG-Gaming?
I didnt know it was a joke and the title made it look like an proffesional esports organisation was interrested in sponsoring - so it was just a misleading title otherwise i wouldnt have never clicked on this topic
If you actually read the whole topic I mentioned SimonKinsler-Gaming ;)
Yea but at first i saw 'SK-Gaming' then i quickly looked at the line-up, got confused and THEN read the rest of the topic, not knowing if you were aware of the real organisation.
EG = Evil Geniuses
Oh Jem. You fell right into it.
not at all! simon hardly knows most et teams before 2012, why would he know other games :P
y people call you Jem when your profile says your real name is Luke :{
my middle name :3 i use it irl and luke is well, not used much in my life except for a few people I know :D
I will call you Jem aswell then. :)
cool with me bruh <3
gl & cu@lan!
pay for me and my rifle! :D
We already got better rifle.
where's candy panda, ocelote, kevin, nyph and dedrayon?
hmm, interesting
sucks cause im not allowed to drink there tho
Yes you are.
16=beer in The Netherlands
18=~20% + alcohol.
Though, ive never been asked if i am 18+
Only at the entrance
lol cu there
16 = <15%
18= >=15%

Why are there so many drinks (passoa, safari etc) with 14,9%...I dunno:$
lol awesome country, cu there
more buyers, more profit!
captain obvious
Quote by hunterWhy are there so many drinks (passoa, safari etc) with 14,9%...I dunno:$
1. I cant see a picture.
2. If i open it in a new tab, it redirects me to funnyjunk
3. Thankfully i was wise enough to copy the link url and paste it here to see what it says, in this case it said something about sarcasm meter.
4. I can only tell if something is sarcasm or not, if i see the persons face or hear his voice when he says it.
5. I u have a complaint leave me pm here:

Thank you.
r u coming to lan m8?
was my plan, until o noticed the lan was a month earlier than i thought. The lan is right after school ends so no time for summer job :(
I am, don't worry xoxo
BEST ngr of ET <3

+ ovie
Where's rapha ffs
great minds think alike
streaming QL
gl simon :)
Now that mind is going that means I have to go :x
Meaning that you weren't originally going?
Was unlikely.
hmm i might be able to do this.
I thought cupcake was playing with wraith?
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