fifa issue

wtf my other topic was deleted!!
cause? no warez

I have my regular account on origin ( mors7ua ) and fifa 12 installed. Frop, where the fuck is the warez???

I want to know if other users have the same issue i have. Many times i am playing a head to head match, the game minimizes and the connection with the other player is lost making me lose for default loss.
Anyone have the solutions ? Is it a known bug?

I could pass the 5th league and go on 4th but i lost the last match i was winning for this shit problem.
wtf my other topic was deleted!!
my game is not minimizing but the connection fails sometimes while i'm playing.. very annoying !-.- fucking ea-server
my game is not minimizing but the connection fails sometimes while i'm playing.. very annoying !-.- fucking ea-server
solution: deactivate all auto update functions of your other programs.

for example use tuneup utilities (normally i dont recommend such tools) - there is a function that allows you to block all update functions
this is interesting ill try it out
look at the lans
agree with laNgo, you probably have some software that "activates" while you're playing, could be anything, auto-updates, msn/skype/chat/popups etc
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