FPS drop after formatting

Yo computer geekz before I could handle 76 fps EASILY now my shizzle isnt stable at all got crazy drops like WTFWTFWTFWTF.

I got lastest drivers on my nvidia geforce 6150SE nForce 430
direct x 9.0 (might be a reason?)

I know my gfx card isnt superawesome but it can atleast handle 76fps

I have duo processor shit I heard it's possible to split ET on 2 hearts...

image: 1335458865612
cant help you francis but i hope sarkozy wont win the powa!
Help him please !
she looks like 14
if her age is on the clock she's too young for you bro.
if her ass is on my cock im fucked
if there's grass on the infield, play ball

if she sits down and her feet touch the floor, she old enough to be treated like a whore

I just made that last one up

if her age is on the clock, she's too young for the cock!
my man, you know!
i'd format
Si t'as formaté et qu'avant ça marchait c'est une histoire de drivers !
video card settings ?
download the same drivers as you had before
fact is i dont remember :XD
I suggest same thing what ironic did and if you don't remember then just download older ones as you have now.
what subbi said :p
Désactive Threaded Optimisation si c'est pas déjà fait dans le panneau de configuration nvidia. Je penses pas que ça soit un problème de pilotes.
vsync off and all settings to prestanda
use search

Nvidia Control Panel -> 3D Settings -> Manage 3D Settings -> Threaded Opimization: Off
image: nvcpu03

Nvidia Control Panel -> 3D Settings -> Manage 3D Settings -> Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration => Single display performance mode
image: nvidia-3d-setting-for-lightroom

and YES, you have to run ET @only ONE CORE


so if you have a DUAL core cpu, you should run your et @CORE 1. CORE 0 for system

on QUAD core CPU, you should go for CORE 3. CORE 0, 1, and 2, for system
very good answer
and for six core?
same like quad, just tyr to run you et.exe on the last core, cuz its mostly unused from os/other applications

os cpu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
et -> core 5


try EasyToolz

image: 59q2ohja
image: vehgnssc
I had the same!
But now not anymore dunno how i fixed it.
And never format ur harddrive.
install windows over it.
Your old windows will be windowsold.
You can delete it with the diskcleanup.
format c
I had the very same problem 3 years ago. You know what i did ? I bought new computer :D:D:Dd;d:D:D
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