violy still needs moviemaker

Hi fellas,

I need a moviemaker. I don't expect anything fancy. The only thing I demand is superb visual quality. I don't care about effects or anything else. Of course I would be happy about decent editing ^^

What can you expect?

* A lot of good frags. I guess I have around 50-100 frags here.
* Frags are done vs skilled opponents (EC, BFB, etc.)
* Do you need more? :DDD

Following link is leading to my last fragmovie. cymky did a great job in my opinion although he left out tons of frags, which is why I NEED YOU!


need moviemaker, i have about 100-150 frags vs skilled very opponents :P:P
gtfo my forum post!!! :D
just trying to steal ur moviemaker :S
It is a shame you can't find one. I bet you have good frags :(
Netherlandsynnk or IsraelpistolerR
those guys pmed me last time

I am just happy that I found a moviemaker :DDDD
wer macht es für dich? :D
why dont you look for someone who is good in editing, that's much more worth than good quality..
If you can't see shit what does good editing help? ;)
what does good quality help when you get bored after 1 min of watching? oh and there are lots of tutorials about how to good quality, so everybody can achieve that, but there is no tutorial on how to be good in editing, cause only practicing that will make you improve :)
I think you're among a small percentage of the community who value effects and syncing over good quality & content =P
Yup, that is what I think too. The movie should appeal to the majority and not a minority ;)

here's one example of a project by Gemb where obviously editing > content. I truly wonder if his efforts have brought more than 1,000 views to that video because personally I don't know who jack is other than some CF posts and seeing his nick in some gtv matches, and the frags being mostly against randoms also doesn't appeal to me at all! :d whereas e.g. that violence movie featuring you, didn't mave MUCH editing but was focusing on the quality/frags/hitsounds etc instead of syncing every single beat. ;d
why did e.g. Calvacade by fredd then win vs ag0n's movie? These 2 were the perfect examples for a top quality and a top editing movie imo.. also I've seen plenty of movies with quite normal quality, e.g. Fragarea 3, which were nicely edited with better ratings than quality only movies like Jere 2010 for example..

oh and what do you want to tell in that second reply to violy? why do you start talking about content? :S confuses me a bit
if your idea of a quality only movie is Jere 2010, fyi I thought it sucked anal and was TOO focused on colours, too much of anything is bad, and in case you weren't around at the time fredd got MAXIMUM flame when he released the SNB trailer/Elegie where people told him it was enough of this madsync shit and it got boring after the first movie. of course it got a lot of good rating but I specifically remember reading flame on CF/IRC and such all the time on it (however from Anim&tornis onwards I love all of fredd's projects, only because he doesn't destroy the content at all with his editing, most do).
I also think Jere 2010 sucked, but the colors + quality were amazing at that time.. and about that fredd part: Im not talking about tastes, Im talking about the fact that he won that contest with a huge lead, which basically means that people prefered the editing movie over ag0n's quality + colors movie..
that's because the majority of people voting were from other games where content will always mean nothing to them. ;d
I never talked about the content, did I?
didnt we discuss about quality vs editing?
I've said about content about 5 times already and have pointed out it's what I value the most..

basically I value frags/skill of the player(s) & opponents much more than editing and colours, if they come together (e.g. Cavalcade- amazing editing and featuring an amazing player with great frags) then yes, it's AWESOME but if not and it's just a well edited / made movie featuring someone who's frags bore the shit out of me due to being shit opponents or really low quality in ability (e.g. obvious bad aiming) then I don't rate it so well.
what? I never said a single word about content, I discussed about quality and editing with violy when you replied to me.. Also I think perfo's frag in cavalcade and the ones in ag0n's clip were both on the same level, the only main difference about these two movies were the editing..

I still have no idea how you came from quality/colors to content, please explain that..
QuoteI still have no idea how you came from quality/colors to content, please explain that..

no problem, I'll help you out- scroll up to my first comment. I was speaking about content from the beginning (included with other things of course, but here's your answer as to how it slipped into the conversation). hope it's not confusing for you anymore.
yea I was confused about that since I discussed with violy about quality/colors vs editing, didnt expect you to bring content into the chat cause I don't really care for the content :P
QuoteI think you're among a small percentage of the community who value effects and syncing over good quality & content =P

and now we're back to the start, well played Gemb, well played. :P if you were stupid, ignorant or just trolling I'd understand how this conversation dragged down so far but you're none of those so I'm truly confused!
That's what you said, I have no clue tho why you threw "content" into the conversation as I was just talking about ediiting and quality. See, I dont care for the content in movies, thats why I dont want to discuss about it.. If you wanna discuss about content then please with someone else, I'm just talking about quality & editing, got it?
I don't care in the slightest where your interests lie, I put my point across and you got lost along the way. this is getting boring, please stop.
Why did you reply to me then? I think you didnt really follow the conversation from me and violy, else you would've noticed what we were talking about, and not brining new stuff into the conversation..
QuoteI think you're among a small percentage of the community who value effects and syncing over good quality & content =P

you can clearly see the reason I replied to you, I was talking about the same things you were with the addition of content (something that is highly rated in every single fragmovie so it's quite stupid of you to disregard it). so yes, I was following the conversation between you/violy as you can see. any other misinterpretations (by you of course) you want me to spell out?
No, as I already said I kinda misunderstood you when you thought I would care for content in movies, also the content of my two examples for quality & editing we're both equal, so they arent for debate.. anyway let's stop this conversation here, its useless to talk about who is right or wrong if one is talking about something different..
fine with me.
hi, wirst kein finden, bye

imb4 flame incoming :))
wenn ich 2 habe wird er ja wohl 1 finden
du bist korrekt und er?
einer der nettesten kerle in 8 jahren et für mich :)
Verhalte Dich mal mir gegenüber normal und ich bin auch nett zu Dir. Persönlich habe ich nichts gegen Dich, aber Du wirkst (subjektiv zumindest) oft arrogant und behalte manche Kommentare mal bitte für Dich
genau da ist der punkt ;) du hast mich als arrogant bezeichnet, was ich stark bezweifle, dass ich es bin ;)

bist halt der einzige und erste der das sagt und daher biste halt iwie bei mir unten durch ;)
Wie auch immer...
wer unter jedem gewonnen gtv match "easy as allways" schreibt, wirkt stark arrogant..
und wer die ironie daran nicht versteht ist behindert :)
Alleine dieser Kommentar von Dir ist schon wieder anmaßend...
Du bist wohl gefundenes Fressen für all die Leute die behaupten dass Computerspiele verdummen.. Vielleicht solltest du mal begreifen dass viele andere dein Verhalten genauso einschätzen wie z.b. violy und ich, komm mal von deinem hohen Ross runter Mr. carryhard..
und sogar ich hab einen :DDDDDD
darf ich dein movie machen????? PLS
interesting headshot at 2.37 xD
Put me in you'r movie ben zona
rofl, let's play some time again ;)
Yea we should do that ;D /q montage you lazy ben zona :)
silent / brot still around?
No, both quit
That's sucks,and where is SwedenBH? cod?
lol viol gay ;s
EDIT violy & mKs needs a moviemaker :)
Sure, why not. But, I think two lowskilled people in one movie are too much for the audience to handle <3
mztic regelt das schon.... :D
tja... =D
hatte es dir damals (glaub 3 jahre her) angeboten und du hast abgelehnt, jetzt siehste was du davon hast! noob
Hö? Kann ich micht mehr erinnern :d
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