hammer avi

Good evening guys,

i have been inactive the last 7 months in playing this game, simply because i lost motivation anymore and because of work. So i would like to see if there are still some "familiar" faces out there which i could play from time to time with.

About me:

- mature
- chilled guy
- teamplay based
- objective based
- up for a joke
- primary would like to take the smg eng spot
- working in 3 shifts (make sure that you don't have any problem with that)
- low "skill"
- some other info's can be found in my profile

About you:

- somehow organizied
- not taking it too serious
- at least some kind of teamplay
- would be great if i know someone of you

So as stated above i am working in 3 shifts which means that i have different working times each week ( 6 a.m. - 2 p.m., 2 p.m. - 11 p.m. and 11 p.m. - 6 a.m. )

Make sure you are fine with that. So if you are interested simply drop me a pm right here on crossfire.


-> I would like to use that topic as well to see if there is also any organization / mgc / project out there which could need some kind of help in the management. i have some knowledges and "skills",if you could say so, in the management / helping and stuff like that as i was always up for some help if i was able to. detailed information about what i offer, where my skills are and so on can be discussed via PM.


stile, sebastian, ironic, peehoo, keando, flushje, frauwe, seigen, kevji, bitch, woody, evokz, d4vid, spie, retsev, miluu, henk, szczurek, spaibot, baq, papii, otyg, razzah, brch, matiii, moldu, ethr, b3ck, millan... and everybody that i've forgot!

Thank's in advance, for reading.
gl m8 hope you'll find someting right for you!
welcome back :D
butterbirne...wo ist mein shoutout
hehe, wie konnte ich dich nur vergessen <3
im up for it m8 ;) add me on xfire or write me a pm.
no shoutout? no good luck then ya fag! :D
uh, how could i forget about the polish fuckface^^ :)
hello then :)
Gl bro!!! We at #devastation are prolly looking for a manager, if ur interested pm me mate :) glad to see that you're back!
gl hammer!
gl mate!
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