GamesBoard Cup v3

CGS Lan isn't only event hosted by GamesBoard for ET players, if some of you are waiting for offline gaming, I'm here for you with one day cup to warm you up a bit! There are some prizes, worth to fight for them! :) Go signup and take your chance to win some servers!

It's already 3rd edition of our cup(this time in 6on6 format), so you will try to do better job as admin then I did before, still I don't think it wasn't bad, was it?

Cup starts in 5 days (14th May, monday) 19.00 CET
32 teams max.
Feel free to sign-up. If over 16/32 teams there is still chance some team will fail to check-in.
Brackets: Single Elimination

I'm not sure about them yet but I belive they will look something like this:
Gameserver for 3 months
Gameserver for 1 month
Teamspeak3 server for 1-3 months

All teams remember to check-in 15-30 minutes before cup starts[/u] otherwise you won't play.

More info: | |

Idle & check-in 18.30: #cracowgamespot[/u] @ quakenet

Final match will be played on ETTV.

Also would be nice if you could visit our forum and post some more or less usefull stuff :)

Note:[/u] is looking for polish team to support it on ET scene, we will sponsor you ts3&gameserver + we can talk about lan support for CGS, contact me by sending me a msg on CF if you think your team is worth to be sponsored, we can disscus about details.
no signups yet error :||||||||||||| try this link, you need to create team first, if you already got one, dunno whats up ;/ signups should be open
ty, fixed and signed in ;)
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