Beta of Shootmania, for ET players !

Hey all,

Hylis, the Director of the development studio Nadeo, at the origin of Trackmania, offers to me to form a group of at least 10 players from Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, so that we can defend our own interests, as Beta-testers of ShootMania, the new FPS from Nadeo.

ShootMania is the first FPS that seems likely to replace once and for all Wolfenstein ET. We can imagine for ShootMania, compared with what Nadeo has previously produced a healthy gameplay, predictable, then able to characterize to a large scale the true level of players.

For those of you who agree to be Beta-testers, I will give as soon as possible the indications to follow to receive your key for the Beta of ShootMania.
I'd like to!
Quotelikely to replace once and for all Wolfenstein ET

Have I heard this before?
yes and Brink became a huge success and not at all a loss of 60€ for me
yes and Brink became a huge success and not at all a loss of 60€ for me
I would like to :)
Id love to. :)
try to pick ppl who can speak for the community if you only can choose 10 ppl and no nonames plz
e: reread, at least 10 --> my bad
I don't see why he can't pickup nonames for new game aslong they can represent our community. You should go for group of people who actually wanna do something useful instead of just receive the beta key.
System requirements?
I am able to beta test it , done couple of betatests in the past aswell!
first time i hear about it and already hating it with passion
here i am for beta !
Sounds really awesome :D
some french guys should get the keys and train hard for !
lan organized by a computer engineering school of faggots , no thanks :(
someones jelly
I no jelly, broblem?
I'm going here !
I'd like to be a beta tester. I'm an expert gamer so I don't have stupid opinions.
would be perfect job for me. no work no school only got time for games.
I can, really want to get on this :)
I have already registered but received no key-code yet.

I have played many games which has been successful (ET, quake, CoD series, COD series, TF2, TrackMania... and so on)
I don't have any experience about these kind of things but should be a great to test and I definitely can do some points what to improve/add and so on.
THE CUBE all over this!
i would like to get a key!
I can, really want to get on this :)

having previously played quake and all different fps games i think i would be really good beta tester for this.
give ingame pic first
Sure, birng it on !
avi for this !
image: shootmania

Quotefirst FPS that seems likely to replace once and for all Wolfenstein ET

it says right there

first FPS that seems likely to replace once and for all Wolfenstein ET
mme plx
Here is my chance!
I just have the confirmation that I will get a list of keys. I don't know how many.
Je veux bien tester :) J'ai déjà joué a plusieurs jeux qui ont fait un carton (Quake, ET, Tribes Ascend, BRINK, ..)

Donc si t'as une clé pour moi, tiens moi au courant par PM/reply, thanks! :)
avi for this
avi if no troll :3
So basically a mix of cod and Quake should be the game to replace ET...
if the graphics are like this, i don't care. Gameplay is more important, at least for me :)
I agree with the graphics/gameplay part, its just that his statement about this being the game to replace ET is way off since the games are miles apart
y i looked for trailers on youtube and it was more like quake in CoD or CS style
QuoteShootMania is the first FPS that seems likely to replace once and for all Wolfenstein ET
No offence but, have you even played ET? Did you give a look at the trailer for shootmania, how the fuck can you compare both?
Yes, I probably spoke too quickly. It's seemed, but it's not. ET is definitively irreplaceable.

I have played today the Alpha of Shootmania, and effectively, it's too different to say that. But the game has many qualities common to ET, than the other games have not.

Play it to judge it.
True this, looks like it's a fast game & teamwise gameplay to objectives.
Seems nice, would love to test it
avi for this, let's what it is :D

Gl man :)
me mem emmee
I have nothing but time. MEMEM
looks like quake live
did you really played quakelive before writing this ? :P
More like Tribes Ascend
I would like to test this, got a new PC & lots of time in the coming months! :)
I want one! Loved what I've seen from the gameplay footage and already signed up for the beta but haven't recieved a key yet, so would love a chance to try the game out. Seeing as the game was created by the crew behind TMN makes it really interesting to me since TMN had a large focus on e-sports.

Cliffnotes: Looks sick man, give me a key!
If there is a place, I am avi for that one.

I had a great Trackmania history, some e-sports and stuff. I also betatested TM2 during closed beta and I was looking forward to Shootmania as well. You could pick me.
if you still need someone, take me
would love to get in that shit looks dope
Me! Also got lots of Quake TDM/CTF experience playing QL for the past 3 years and shootmania is kinda close to quake so it would be nice to compare! Been searching for the key for the whole last week already :(
as i saw the gameplay it depens a lot of aim 1 hit =1 kill
well just got an idea for the teamplay
you could make like an medic in the game
and to kill someone you need to hit for e.g twice someone
the medic could shoot his own teammate and so get his hp back to 100
could imagen an realy amazing teamplay like this
now the only think you should think about is if the medic should has an wepon too or only "the medic wepon"

just an idea
avi for test
why didnt I get any? :(

I'm an experience ET player (NationsCup playoff with Team-Norway to mention some), who would love to test this game in this early phase :)
dont laugh okay, also it didnt help so fml
Hahaha I'm so sorry mate but it's actually hilarious as fuck how you're begging for it :D <3
but :s i want it

also why not give betakey to norways best player?? :S

edit: hehhe owned:
«12:09:21» {Zodiac} fuck you as we're speaking
«12:09:25» {Goku} xDD
«12:09:40» « part » {Goku-} {[email protected]}
I don't want it but I have it.. Wtf lol :S
he probably saw my profile :s thought "hehe best player in norway but red triangle, nope wont get key"
You must be super mad you cheated
oh yes I regret it deeply etc hate it, destroys the game and stuff
I would like one please if your still dishing them out. Gameplay looks conpetitve.
FPS lover.
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