We need 1-2 backups

Hey crossfire,

We are in need of 1 or 2 backups for our ET team.
We are a fun team planning on playing some officials here and there.

We play like 3-4 times a week. We start playing around 8-9 in the evening (GMT+1).

  • Speak English
  • A mic
  • No shy people please
  • Not too serious
  • 17+

  • Denmarkretsev
  • Netherlandsgrizz
  • Denmarksteeler
  • SpainNenko
  • Estoniacosmic
  • PolandChickita(rifle)

  • Europeyou?
  • Europeyou?

We have a 14 slot private server and a TS server.
Add us on xfire or pm me on crossfire :)

Denmarkretsev -> idkmydeath
Netherlandsgrizz -> jelle1991
ooh shit it cosmic
gl nenko
gl nenko :)
Avi,but dot have to much time.
im avi steeler<3
could do :o)
im avi, already left you prv msg here
Hello avi eng smg / medic
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