sensitive avi

Hi, since I have finished my real life obligations, looking for stable EU clan, willing to improve.

About me:
Nationality: Czech Republic
Age: 19
Skill: decent med
Previous clans: dw, e2, avonet, u35, bones ...
Class: teamplay medic, but can handle other as well

About you:
no kids
willing to improve
nice guys
no ex-cheaters / cheaters

pm me here on crossfire or write under the topic / no spam please
QuoteSkill: decent med

Why are you searching skilled only @ irc?
aiRen last forum threads: aiRen avi, aiRen avi, aiRen avi, aiRen avi, aiRen avi

skilled easily fit in oc premiere team...I wonder why you still dont have a team!

so stfu nerd and let sensitive alone!
Don´t be mad, maybe you will find someone who is worse than you. Try contacting unforgiven's friends or stay in #czet, there are many dumbass people like you.
Wow, nice hate! That sais a lot about you!
Dunno what is hate man, your ignoring of or commenting every one post when I say some true :)
Well I commented the first of yours comments in about 4 months, so if I comment only the right ones the rest are just lies?

Anyway he can look for skilled, med has some skill and if he want to improve, he has to play with better against better. I remember you being about med- and spamming skilled all the time. But it was you, I know, its different.

You should really consider your own personality and behaviour before starting critising others. But I guess you attitude is I am right and everyone who disagrees is idiot or dubmass(as you have shownd in upper comments).

Yes I ignore what else should I do about it? Srsly I dont know if even exists anymore. I havent seen many games broadcasted in last month or 2. This project reminds me a lot of your work. Huge amusment in the start, later slowly forgeting, fading and disapearing. Face the truth man!
why are you searching for skilled teams while being worse than sensitive? :D
On what basis are you comparing?

e: Galiathus, nevermind. Haters gonna hate :)
GL sensitive
wb and gl
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