adze returns!

Hello folks!

I am back after a very very long break! So I am seeking for a friendly home where I can play 3-4 days a week.

All you have to know about me:
lI am 20 years old
lI don't whine unless I get killed
oI am a very good medic, 2-3 revives / map.
rI am a very good engineer, deploying mines all day long.
I am a very good field ops, callin arty to truck and stuff.
I can take the english language to a whole new level.

You have to be:
Very good.
No jews allowed in the team (exception could be: term1)

Contact me here.

wb & gl!
didnt read but wb and gl
adze szereti a faszt, gl buzi 8D
good luck
als ik u ignore krijg ik dan nog inbox berichtjes? :P
dunno probeer is
ok reply nog eens
adzeeee én is most jöttem vissza <3
hát én kurvára nem
nem találtad meg a rejtett mondani valót?
/q freeeze or /q diSko`freeeze - recruiting new members atm
Hell hath no fury like ADZE.
GL broo
GL Adze maaan.
gl matej!
was waiting for you to come back, expected it to be earlier :D
ok lets make a team cs4f1,future and phobeus is back aswell
i play smg engi
read adzz ;_;
was hoping that too :p
keep quiet terry, still a mainstream post.
there are no returns, time doesn't return.
ok bori, you do the math
gl abzes :;)
sebi powi varadi oci adze isl4m, ownolnánk - nagyon érzem xd. faszér írsz amúgy kamu journalokat, mostmár gyere gamelni :) [varadit kirakhatjuk ha kell]
Ja, Nonixot én sem venném be!
majd augusztus fele meglátom, h mit tehetek az ügy érdekében :D
gl man ! awesome player, get him !
wb adze nub
my love! gl
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