latenight player avi

hey boys and girls im avi for non-serious latenight gaming.

So Im alllmost 18years old
I'd like to find some EU clan because would be cool to increase my english a bit while talking with you because i cba to learn it in the traditional way :D

I can play 3 max 4 times(i surely wont be able to play at friday and saturday) a week but not earlier than 22:30, sometimes i might be avi from 22.

can play medic or engi smg my skill is about med-, when im in shape maybe even med but im teamplayer, while playing medic im focused on reviving.

And i have truly ninja skillz! Robert can confirm that!

The last thing is that I expect a nice atmosphere in clan, i hate ego shouts while playing, i want to have fun and relax a bit

contact dGr @ #crossfire or pmme here