The ruler is back :D

After playing with some rl friends last time, i decided to search again a skilled 3v3 team.
Looking 4:

-Stable and evening active team
-preferd German-speaking, but english is also nP
-n1 people(fun on comms etc)
-no 2 week clans :<

Nick:GermanyShadowZ (ya rlyyyyyyyyyyyy its ShadowZ zomg wtf!)
Avi Sunday-Thursday in the evenings.
Im able to play Eng but prefer Medic good reviving etc.

u can check ex-clans @ profile (i know not rly imba clans :D)
If u interessted pme@ /q ShadowZ_
Flames are welcome h3h3h3h3h3hh3h33h3h
Hey shadowZ gL
der mit den cheatern spielt
Med+ No waii!
idd da wo er gemerct hat der cheatet bestimmt selber auch :o
schon mal was von reply gehört?
nice a good 3v3 player!
gl m8 and challange #second in the future ;)
rofl guys dont be stupid and rate urself med+ without playing once against med teams omg this xfire got crazy monkey
but you are high?
i played against u and we drawed against u tbh
u beasty dont remember the 3rd guy
schon mal was von reply gehört?
Med + ja klar
gl ruler
good player gl
gl hase ;>

leute underrated ihn nicht ders
so arg untreffbar das er mindestens med+
ist :p

btw ...

drück mal auf reply das steht bei den messages rechts oben ^^
hahaha lololol hahaha
so.. youve been playing with ur friends? boiii friends? ULGH deutsche leute sind schutzig!
wundert mich nicht das du das wort freunde nicht kennst
the ruler zomg.
nice player
Gl auch von mir!!
nett und skilled

(miles = sunny) xD

greetz <3333
its all about maths:
med+ is equivalent to low+

no whine needed :D
low-med = ec/high ?
gl shadowZ :)
welco me back
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