2Cheaters (clan: eff3c7)

Saterday 31 March 2007
19.30 CET +1

We played 3v3 Scrim, map supply. We saw that we came main (2 down, 1 up) Killed the Fops up, 3 Hs. 2 seconds later as well the both lower players were given 3 Hs. I constructed CP. Walked out, 3 headshots. Fops standing in cave was given 3 headshots. Their engineer planted on the depot gate, we walked 2 of us left and me right. the two got killed by nade and then he gave me 3 hs with luger. This kind of players should be banned from playing games like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Ofcourse we made a picture of their guids here they are:

1. 59FA668B6BE1E704C5F8A3B4A93E081EFCDDAD04 "w@ffl3 eff3c7 / M|53r!a eff3c7"
2. 9FA9DB29C58F3187A857099FFF4E3F1B3E107F52 "6l@ckt|g3r effec7 / Vol3k"

Here are their PB Guids
"w@ffl3 eff3c7 / M|53r!a eff3c7" PB Guid = 7da40703
"6l@ckt|g3r effec7 / Vol3k" PB Guid = b72e1d54

We searched scrim for: Low+/med-. They reacted and ofcourse they kept saying "Yeah, we're just med+/high-"
not rly proof ?
that was what i was thinking!

we need more proofs! plz
you must be kidding right?
Age: 13 ( 13 June 1993 )
Member For: 0 days
quote: Their engineer planted on the depot gate, we walked 2 of us left and me right. the two got killed by nade and then he gave me 3 hs with luger.

allied with luger? k.

demo or avi plz btw :o
nice demo and stuff.
k meight u should be banned
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