HIRVI tournament team?

Hello everybody!

Since et.tourney is going to launch soon, EC (Evolution Challange) is announced and SC going to start soon I am keen to participate in these events if possible.

I can play every class and place expect field ops, tho I am most effective with rifle and medic.
I am around med skill, with some activity probably med+

Your team should be playing and not dropping out of the tournaments.
Serious or not, I am not going to prac like 3 times a week or so tho.
Finnish teams are preferable but not a must.

ALSO!!! If some of the finnish people are interested in gathering a team to these tournaments let me know!

You can contact me here or in IRC /q HIRVI

homo + kiddo, gl

first too

ps. this guy is the next " me", good rifle, better pick up.
really nice and skilled Dude! GL!
Best of luck!
hahaha that video :D
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