Niki0o avi for summercups

I'm avi for some chilled team to play this summer

Some info about me

- Around medskill
- Been playing rifle lately but im still waaaayyy better with smg. So I can play any class.
- 20years old
- Experienced
- Active on comms
- Avi 3-7days a week

What I want from you

- Cool people
- Any division, higher the better tho 8)
- Would be cool if i knew someone from team but not necessary
- Team can be summeronlyproject, new project or older team.

pmme here or /q Niki0o @qnet

image: uq0gv
LoL player
guut lak nörtti
gl Nikim8
join us bro.
Funny man from iisalmi, take him, also good tactical owner gg
GL FAG >:D hope y0u find a nice team, ALSO PEOPLE WHO HAVE SHIT LOL ACCOUNTS HE IS OLMSOT 2K ELO HE CAN BOOST YOU YES! take that in consideration :D
once again gl m8 ;)
go back to your toilet!
No thanks. I'm gonna start studying once again in couple months tho
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