RedoX & Violy AVI

about us:
from Belgium & Germany
fun guys to hang out with
Medic & Fops

about you:
play in cups etc...
Active, play 2-3 times a week
stable LU is preferred

contact me here on CF
gl violy
gl violy :)
gl daniel
GL Violy :D
lolol noobs :) gl ! :D
Good luck guys! (:
gl violy
gl violy :)
gl violy :*
omg violy beast
Good Luck!
Goodluck guys!
redox med max. and violy aswell...

but GL though!
gl violy, fucking beast yerman
haha netjes RedoX;)
GL violy!
start something for yourself, not much looking atm
RedoX attempt 1000 to find a clan.
Who the fuck is this violy guyyyyyy :DDDD
Quote redox med max. and violy aswell...

Not important tbh. He is just a mid skilled wnb :(
Haha we are forever alone mate, forever aloneeeee. come ts!
Thanks for all the comments :)
gl both!
gl redox & violy
gl violy!

what about redox,violy,leku,kevin,bltzz,tba? :D
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