Sinche is avi


after fruitlessly searching through the internet land, i have come here to find a team to play together with a litte more seriously than the random pub games.

i am Sinche, an entirely unknown player that has decided to play ET in a more serious way than derp around with panzer.


between low / med skilled, atleast i hope :)

can play all classes if needed (if i suck with them, but one day i will learn to play them better)

can understand and speak estonian / norwegian / english and somehow barely understand some german

what i hope in you, the mysterious person who needs somebody to their team:

6v6 team

a normal team, that doesen't rage

a stable team, that lineups don't change every 2weeks

and a team, that lets their members learn to play the game better, and help them with nooby questions

well, that's it :)
welcome and good luck :)
maybe a2id or OsS? Both scandinavian clans!

Best of luck anyway
wb voozy
gl because said " fruitlessly"
good luck 8d
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