bobsmileys in need of 3

Hey guys...

after a big break of more than 1 year im active again with stable ping and the motivation to play cups leagues and maybe LANS

what i want?!

some german tards (only Germany ) to play under the flag of bobsmileys my old 3on3 team

what u need?!
  • decent aim
  • dont be shy and be funny
  • kids and whiners arent welcome
  • i should know u or u should know me
  • be experienced

current lineup

Germanyweee3D (medic)
GermanywARLORDiii (fops/medic)
Germanyrifle (YOU?)
Germany2nd eng (YOU?)
Germanymulticlasser (YOU?)

PMME here

PS.: I dont care about whiners so stfu
mySTEEL? :pPPppP

gl ihr zwei ;)
ach hat keinen sinn kommunikation gleich null also kümmer ich mich jetz selbst drum ;)
gl hoffi
avi als rambo medic / multiclasser -> check profile für info
ah ok

dann GL

e: avi if u need low- player
low+/med- passt eher bei dir nich low- :)
dann nimm ich die mitte zwischen low- und med-
gl juns, vllt avi ;)
good luck und avi btw^^
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