Tw1zZt for adroitssssss

Just saw I made a journal instead of a forum topic, so once again:

Hey y'all cutiepies,

I was hoping to find a team for the upcoming adroits lan!

About meeeeeeeeeeeee
- 19 years old
- Not really active
- Sorta cute
- can play rifle and medic
- been to some other lans
- working on monday and wednesday evenings, so wont be able to prac much
- I will go out a lot in this holiday, so can't really start praccing yet

About you
-Just be cool and stuff <3

hit me up on irc at #devastation or message meeeeeeeee

/q Carlos @ #enhanced ;)
Heard this Carlos was a shady figure :(
Is that what your mom said after she met me? :O
Don't ever talk with this Carlos guy again, she said. He will drag you to the dark side, she said
its true.
Speaking from personal experience?
pretty much. 'tis a dangerous place
gl Lars <3 Look forward to meeting you there!
after all these yeaaaaaaaaars mayne
too long!
Gl awesome guy ! :)
gl Lars <3 cu lan!
As if you'd come :(
i will! :o
take this sexi beast!
LARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Come tooooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
gl lars!
goed geluk vrind
Ill happily make a team with you if your mum sponsors the team with support at the event :O)
hey ik ben een jongen man van 19. ik heb ooit een stad gebouwt van knex en daarna ook van lego. ik woon in gilze en ik ben eigenlijk ook een beetje verliefd op mijn zusie. daarnaast woont er een mooiboy in goirle die mijn voorbeeld is. ik ben eigenlijk best slim maar ik hou meer van paardrijden. ik hou dus nog steeds van paardrijden. ook staat de oude kast nog steeds in de garage. ook hou ik heel erg van paprika chipies. ik ben best veel afgevallen omdat ik altijd kei hard los ga om kei harde nederlandstalige muziek in dn brands.

goed geluk lars sexy boy
gl pow pow!
GL SCG^Tw1zZt <3
Ask Ryan and Brad :D im going to belgium at october so shouldnt be problem to come NL also :D
cu lan larsje
you're attending adroits? I would really like to meeeeeet you tomoooooo :D
might cu there
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