IAA possibilities?

So since I wasnt able to attend the last ETM event I was thinking about making a simple team for people as inactive as myself.

Nothing set yet, the idea is just 6 guys and or girls having fun together at the event and as 'preparation' for it play only sunday evenings. Everybody pays for themselves.

This post is intended to see how many inactive peoples are interested in playing (with me :D).

ill keep a little list here to see who is interested in this idea

btw IAA stands for: Inactive Adroits Attendees (couldnt think of anything more suitable)


my little list:
Netherlands Niserbac (formerly unknown as adeto)
Best of luck adeto, would be great to see you there sir! :)
How did you come up with that name?
Niserbac, I guess
Good luck cabresin :)
Available for LAN if you want; can't play every sunday evening though
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