Raiven avi for SC

Raiven vel Brandon Heat searching for SummerCup (not only?) team, main lineup or backup.

- playing for few years
- fop/med, but can play another if need
- skill... test me if you want. important is fact if i will be usefull for team
- easy english :D
- clean
- mature

avi... depends. I got a job one week 7-15cet, next week 23-7, next 15-23 and again 7-15... little sux :/

Contact: pm here or /q Raiven` on #crossfire

image: 128.460x325
Awesome player! gl mate
did you reach level 30 yet? We have to make that team soon! I really want to go pro and get free stuff from sponsors!
2 wins today, both forfeit @ 20 min. They so scared..
yeah same here. I lost a bit of my ego today. Lost mid lane to malzahar :((((( That guy totally owned my morgana early game. Luckily I started to play safe, farmed a lot, got some kills and got back in the game!
I roll with miss fortune atm but can't play today. Was considering buying Twitch
sounds good mate, don't have much time today either and have to wake up at 8 tommorow :(

Of course ESL need one and I might apply.
I would be better.
Dude, you shohuldn't be ESL admin as long as that stary guy is still admin. He's like the definition of retarded.
he already got kicked, thats why they're looking for someone to replace him
if you're going for another carry: don't buy twitch, he's squishy as hell and more of a jungler/roamer than a classic carry
unless he want to troll ingame, then twitch is an option too!
dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you have to buy arma2 + arma2 operation arrowhead and then install dayz. We have to play it! Looks so fucking awesome! My mate just told me about it and he said it's one of the best game mods ever. BUY IT ON STEAM NOW!! and we've to tell retsev to buy it too when he gets back!

I'll probably buy it tommorow, just have to go to the bank and fix my visa :-)
gl mate
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