I'm back! What's new?


Havent played ET for 5 years and I've just come back. So what's new with ET? I cant seem to connect to any PB servers or anything, So I only TJ on a non PB server. I'm surprised this games still alive. Anything new added to the game since?

omg its the annoying moof moof guy from nbs 1 :D
No, it's not. I am NBS m00f :<
LEWL he said you're annoying :DDDDD
people love ze m00f, acjewally
Are you Wolfe who used to play with poullora(?) and brad and that group of players from the UK..?
Yes I am, I play Star Wars with brad currently :)
Fuck me, I don't think I've seen your names since 2006...... Are all of you guys still playing or just brad? Who was the bloke from Newcastle? I can remember one of you lot being from round there anyway :P
Just me and Brad now. Me, brad and Polloura went to World Of Warcraft, then Poulloura left and me and brad stayed, We recently quit the game *3/4* months ago, and went onto Star Wars: The Old Republic, so it's just me and brad now, I lost contact with everyone else. :o
Well, good to see your name(s) back on ET! one last question, were you all playing with LoRK? Haven't seen any of that crowd online for YEARS..! Nostalgia kicking in now haha!!
Haha I remember a loRK| Renegade. Brad was in that clan, I formed my own clan back then called "Team OwnIt" Nostaligia has been kicking in lots recently haha
Wow... Making me feel old and I'm only going to be 21 in a few months!
Hah, I remember LoRk as well; lost an offi to them, they were very good @ defence.
wolfe? I remember you bragging on elite-trickjump forums how famous you are.
Haha good times :D
If we take a quick look at your journals history, you asked help for your config on the 24/05/2007 which is more than 5 years ago. It means you played it at that precise moment. So it doesnt make 8 years.

Related journal : http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=5917

Anyway, let me tell you how glad I am to see people coming back to this marvelous game. Welcome back!
wow, it really feels like 8 years. 4/5 years then :D In those years I started playing World Of Warcraft >_< Quit the game as it's awful and went back to ET. I prefer playing ET than BF3 or Call of duty, I dunno what it is about ET I love.
Quiting wow that is. Stopped playing it @ 2009, came back last year and played it for 2 months and was tired of it already.
The game hit a new low ever since Deathknights were invented, and now we have Kung Fu Pandas soon enough, no thanks! :P
Started playing right before WOTLK came out, I just loved raiding ulduar (was actually something that needed tactics, and was kinda fun) cataclysm is a walk in the park, never knew the tactics of a raid the firs time I joined my guild again, started tanking HC right away. Herp derp.
Yeah, you can pug and kill Deathwing without a problem. The main boss of an expansion pack, getting killed by a bunch of randoms that dont know each other and hazey on tactics. 12+ Game? Na, 5+ :D
It's faceroll now, only hard boss in that raid is dragon on which you need to NUKE like hell (25k+ dps) (can't recall his name)
The purple one? I know what one you're on about I think ;) The game's quite retarded!
ultraxion was just a gear check the real fucking boss in DS was spine but even now its farmed and it's a walk in the park for most (I guess, I'm not playing anymore since few months already)
Ye tzac is the anti cheat now instead of pb, lemme know the trickjump server you're on!
loool m00f from cybergames =XD pretty sure it hasnt been 8 years...
Feels it but now I look back, it's only been 5 years :P
I am m00f from cybergames :< Wolfe is faking ;_;
:< I'm the real t3h m00f.
cheap ripoff :D?
how come you've only been a member for like 2 years?:o used to see u/him on cybergames like 5 years ago lol
Because I never cared to log onto this site before :C
Welcome back fellow United Kingdom
Somehow i remember u :P
I remember your name too :D
you were not playing @ *u|k public server? or cybergames
I was a regular on Cybergames and U|K Server :)
i remember you then o; that wasnt 8 years ago ;p
im doing your mom
Hope you have fun :D
Yes, a lot has changed in ET sinse you last played. PB is no more, tzac (for what its worth) is now the new so called anti-cheat, not hard to find it and what to do, just google, good luck with it though :)
oh my old *u|k regulars keep reappearing, reunion?!
welcome back
welcome back
delete pb folder, install tzac
/vsay move
somehow remember you
i remember your name at cybergames servers b4 map all day :D
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