3rd needed for ESL/CB

Hello me and Icelandfifty are need of 3rd to play CB/ESL with us, we also needs some backups!
Don't even bother to apply if I dont know you, or fifty doesnt know you.

pm me here or query at #+? !!

gl very good players !
2 weeks max
kyl me ollaan jo pelattu ton kaa samas 3o3 tiimis mut lähettiin siitä perustaa oma :P
low team 2 weeks ego
You're mad cus i rejected your apply to the team.
is that a picture of you LeFrancis?
its a picture of his best irl friend, "cortex".
fifty got unbanned? :D
does fifty knows about this? LOL
Yes he does
Good luck :)
a guy who is a known cheater within the icelandic community in multiple games and a finish retard, what a great combination :D
ex cheater please! I didnt come to whine in PMCG post, is this an
obsession for you? You got already got some kinda split personality disorder, aYhity.
fifty raping nerds with caution
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