3o3 players needed

Hello crossfire I need skilled 3o3 player/s to play CB&ESL Ladders with Finlandme and FinlandMetsuri. You need to play medic who can revive and carry me. We'r going to play that ESL late summer league(or what ever).

Pm me here

avi. not rly but i am good player good medic and excellent aimer too bad i have focused my talents elsewhere. best of luck to you all though
We'r not planning to take just 1 more and prac hard, we will try to get like 6people?
You're always welcome mini, I can pm you for more info.
i kinda sorta quit ET D:
Comeback for fun games?? Dont say u got kidnapped by gym :s
no summer took hold, working @finland :PPP and party when its loma time.
when is the ET time!??
dunno man, real life is serious business. maybe someday when old epica mates are quit and i feel like playing a bit. atm nothing is certain
okey, goodluck at serious business !
avi as reviving only medic ":D"
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