Adroits LAN Rayzed

Hey Crossies,
Hey LAN-Attending Crossies,

I'm searching for a team for the upcoming Adroits LAN in October.
After attending AEM and continueing my streak (2nd LAN event, 2nd time last place), I feel like puting event number three on that list.

About me:

19 Years old
Around Med-skilled (Med+ for Crossfire) and at least Med+/high drinking skillz
Attended CiC7 and AEM
Can cover my own costs
Able to talk German and English (on a decent level, I think)
Able to understand tactics
Funny guy
Serious ingame
No whiner, flamer or (ex)cheater
Starting University in October, not sure about how much I'll be able to pracc before LAN due to moving and getting everything settled.

About you:

Speaking German or English
Not going there to reach Top 10
Going for the fun
Being serious ingame, tho
Skill doesnt matter
Be fun
Dont be poor fuggs who cant afford the slightest bit of fun

As you may see, I'm not going there to win prizemoney (:P) but I want to play serious matches, not careing about the results tho as long as the game was "okay" from our side.
I plan on staying at Eden (or however its called now) so make sure to have enough money for that.
(could be convinced to stay in the logica, if I know enough of the people staying there, tho)

I hope to see some old faces at LAN and of course a lot of new people.

If you are interessted, pm me here on CF.

Best regards,

Nico "Rayzed" Schneider
gl & cu there :)
gl brother
QuoteAs you may see, I'm not going there to win prizemoney (:P) but I want to play serious matches, not careing about the results tho as long as the game was "okay" from our side.

That went from oke to eko
gl m8 :o)
why not going with the diamonds?
no reply from them till now oO
oh, i guess they are some kind of summer break atm, i can info retsev and grizz that you are avi if they still are going
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