sosji avi

Yo crossfire, my mate called sosji is searching for a 6o6 team.
Hes not able to create own topic cuz he lost his account here.
He's polish stable med+ skilled player, prefer to play fops/medic.
speaking Poland and United Kingdom. Never busted. U have to be serious,
mature guys. Also LAN avi. If you're interested just pmme(masohzoR) here or his

xfire - sosuu

Shoutout for Lost Soldiers!
Quotestable med+ skilled player

If its the guy from lost soldiers, He actually is. He did a shitload of dmg on LAN.
when you play rambo like that even ohurcool could shoot damage. that guy was never covering any of his teammembers
Damages mean skill.
I didnt say anything about that, now did i?
good luck sosiu bij wszystkich <3
gl sosu :)
Powodzenia. 10 sierpnia jestem w Zywcu :D!
med+ skilled player

sosi to kojarze ale sosji :XD to to samo czy nie ? XD
so? his team still lost,which tells me that he went desperately for dmg instead of playing for his own team, I have seen quite similar situations with other players on other lans in the past...
indeed :D now he/his fanboys will brag around that he had highest dmg in group stage game, but in fact he didnt pass the group and won only 1 game against the lowest team in the group :DDD
i had like 0/10 on radar against nVm in ub final, but who cares if we did a time like 5minutes and won everything (:
he's med+/high
he's a good dmg dealer , and a med+/high aim imo
can aim with the big boys
Aim doesnt say shit imo. Brains determine skill
Should mention he cant play ESL >:D
lol admin will unban him if he write ticket , but he to lazy
"He's polish stable med+ skilled player,"
no widze ze ktos tu wyzej sra niz dupe ma
GL sosji! Good player and not only playing for dmg as it's said in this topic. And yes he's stable med+, give him a fair team and see by yourselves...
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