PGA 2012[.pl]

możliwe, że ET będzie ?
week after adroits? :(
there wont be ET since nobody wants to host ET on major tournaments in poland
when was the last time PGA hosted ET? I guess they're doing mainly LoL etc now?
i think it was 2006, its first pga after 3 years so there wasnt lol before, but yea i guess it will be the main game along with cs 1.6
Hmmm I'm quite sure ET has been hosted twice by PGA once by 06 and once before that I believe
true, they also hosted 1on1 ET tournament at ESWC (same place and orgs as PGA)
was it a tester cup for ET or something? :d why would it be 1o1 otherwise. I know they kinda limited games that were played there simultaneously. though I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if they genuinely thought this was the mode ET was played, most orgs and leagues outside of ET generally have no understanding of how ET is played and such.

in fact, some orgs in the past knew absolutely nothing about ET competition, like on their websites when they introduce ET to people who are interested in their ET squad they mentioned stuff like ET is playing oasis, battery, railgun, goldrush, radar and fueldump as the official competition maps for tournaments and lans etc. :D

if only most knew something about the game.
As you know 6on6 at lan needs a lot of resources, they didn't have those because there were many others games that already had to be played for ESWC qualifiers, people who organized this event were Wolfenstein players themselves (Mit0s, Borsuk) and they wanted to include ET somehow (same as they did in both PGA lan's - none of those would happen if it wasn't for them), but due to previous mentioned lack of space/money/sponsor they did all they could and managed to fix nice 1on1 tournament, which was done at 8 (+/-2) computers, had big prizes (no cash, but lot's of overpriced hardware), rules was simple 10 minutes at te_valhalla only, anyone could sign up and it attracted a lot of noobs aswell as top players from polish scene (I think it was around 180 people overall!)
holy shit that's pretty good. :d and I was impressed by CiC7 LAN in 2010 getting 175 ET players total (35x5). I really never knew about ET being at ESWC :3 how did they manage to organise it? and it's funny that mitos was still around in 2012! o: did any old faces show up at LAN but didn't play?
it wasn't official game of ESWC, they just made extra tournament and it was back in 2006 (where did you get idea that it was this year?), so can't remember all the details.
I didn't say it was this year, I meant it's cool that guys like Mitos were still around in 2012 (because I saw him around in ET this year, same with mar!o and such)
Fajnie gdyby bylo. Ale po pierwsze im sie chyba nie oplaca wchodzic w ET, a po drugie jesli chcielibysmy, zeby te ET bylo, to jakies kroki trzeba by bylo podjac ;x
Robert super adminie, zapierdalaj do poznania zalatwiac
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