
Someone is faking me:


As you can see he has my etproguid but not my pb_guid (that is always the same..)

So if you play on SKS Server and there is a vegeta check the pb_guid...i think he is a cheater, so pay attention ;)

The admin of sks-server says that the cheater can be him:

1618:51Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\45 0 60 1\g_password\none\cl_guid\D0B5AB454119EA0565CD20554335A793\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20
1618:51ClientUserinfoChanged: 8 n\^0Ve^9g^0eta^9.\t\2\c\1\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\dn\\dr\0\w\8\lw\8\sw\7\mu\0\ref\0\p\0\ss\1\sc\0\tv\0\lc\1

thx to alhric for pm.
Someone is fucking you!
he played today on sks and got banned, it was obvious that he was cheating and it was even obvious that it was a guidspoofer
...and it was even more obvious... tbh
low- english skillz srz
but what i meant wasnt that it was more obvious that he spoofed the guid but that it was obvious at the same level, you understand?
"thx to alhric for pm."
<3 np
spam, dunno what the hell your takling about all i see is yellow warnings, could hax or not i dunno :<
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