Need people for Adroits

Hey CF-users!

Looking for people to build a team for the upcoming Adroits LAN!

You must be:
- somewhat skilled
- be 100% sure of going
- cool guys
- can pay for yourself
- need any class

/q RedoX__ or here on CF
Might have some people avi for your team :)
Got 4 tryouters for our team for 1 spot so the other 3 could join u perhaps :)
Sponsor us :(
Gtfo xD

I am no billionaire mate sorry ;p NBS aint sponsoring anything either, I aint too much involved with NBS anymore anyway and it is close to nothing basically.

Did u get any responds at all yet to your attempts?
Nop. Only xarqi said you won't support anybody this lan. But I thought it was worth another shot to randomly reply to you on here anyways :D
uheuheuhee, we never supported anyone for lan btw :p NBS never was much and surely not enough to be able to actually sponsor for a lan in such a game :p

Don't think any normal company would be interested tho, no matter how good your team is. Oh well, GL with the continuing search ;p
Yeah it's tough :)

Why did the team for last time use NBS then? with yench and co.
coz we got free beer and engergy drinks :D
seems like a great deal to me :D
yeah, but always when i wanted an energy drink, i always found myself with a beer in hand :S
red bull mixed with beer = win btw
those guys were mainly already playing for nbs online as well, being sponsored with just a teamspeak channel and warserver though, but still :p so yeah they wanted to play for NBS offline as well and they were given some free drinks xD
Better than nothing! :P
thats for sure, not giving out that deal again tho xD couldn't care less to send over a team :P
Basically they should had called Team-HunteR, since I gave them all the drinks, you shitface :@
kom gewoon als onze 6de
GL man:)
Ik zoek ook nog een team ; iniedergeval ik zou graag LAN gaan met een team! ;)
indeed, strango & I saw jetro was going to play the QL tourney, maybe he wants to play ET for fun.
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