oaG for Adroits

I am avi for a LAN Team or also avi to build one up :)

About me :
- Austria
- english speaking person
- something around med
- got around 2 1/2 team leading experience and can also get teamspeak channel and gameserver if needed
- multiclasser but prefer medic
- can pay for myself

If you need me for ya team or if you want to build one up contact me here or at xfire : volarefugga
good luck with that :D
he doesnt need it:D oooooggggg
good luck , give this guy a top 3 team !
good luck , give this guy a top 3 team !
no offence but the only few things you are better than low+ at are standing in the way, not gibbing, getting fulls and not helping the crossfire at all from what I saw at your last few matches played on ETTV :D
did you eventually speced yourself?
I must admit... I suck, but I'm still good enough to get over your german stupidy
if you say so, it has to be true.
cry me a river baby :D and maybe also try to find someone who cares
you really get annoying and its a shame that you are austrian

in my opinion i can compete against med
but you know there is something which is called tryout for that :)
well, watch your ettv match replays then, it's ridicilous that someone like you claims to be med, you're absolutely useless

anyway, have fun tryouting for your e-buddys who do you a favour by letting you play a few games but would never go to lan or lows who claim to be med :-)
well you know when i played my last ettv matches
ye right short before my matura you know why cause i got a life and dont watch others gamestv replays to flame :DDD
atm i enjoy my holidays and so i got more team to pracc and less stress so i obviously do better atm
but if you tell me i am not better than low+ well low+ or med- is a small difference and med- is already around med since around med can be better or worse thx for your attention
so what you are trying to tell me is that your brain needs practice? is this some kind of new brain disfunction? anyway, thanks for the low+, low+, med-, med-, med explanation

on a sidenote, something that's interesting me: which english teacher would let somone, who is not even capable of writing "school leaving examination" instead of an "absolutely Austrian only" word called "Matura", pass the school leaving english examination?
well since you are from austria and i am talking with you its kinda normal to use the word matura since we both know what it means lal
no1 gives a fuck about this except for you so no need for international words :DDDDD

my main argument is that my last ettv game was some time ago and so it's possible that i got better since my last ettv game

on a sidenote, i don't think its a good idea to judge people only by their online appearance :)
if you go on with such rude things maybe someone gives you a high five with a chair in the face :D
I am actually judging your online appearance! but it's not like you wouldn't have used "matura" in a couple of other sentences within conversations with non-austrian players
Mit den dingen kennste dich ja gut aus mr. MED+
du bist einfach nur lächerlich... ich glaube deine meinung wäre die letzte die erfragt wäre^^
alles klar EC stray :D
Wer bist du eigentlich?
Du gibst bei so ca. jedem Post den ich hier lese deine (zumeist) unqualifizierte Suelze dazu, aber gerissen hast du auch noch nichts, oder?
vor 70 jahren jabs och schon mal so nen ösi, der so diskutiert hat....

glaube der hiess adolf hilti und war erfinder der bohrmaschine oder so ähnlich....
bester kommentar ever :D
gl mate ^^
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