Negative Acceleration Intellimouse 1.1

Hello crossfire,

so ive bought a brand new intellimouse 1.1 Black Edition.

wat ive done :

- removed accelfix (markc latest accelfix)
- overclocked usb port to 500 hz (i used this :
- installed intellipoint drivers

here we go, in ET it seem that i have a negative acceleration, in case you don't know wat it is here are short infos.

when i move my mouse quick, it slow down the speed after a bit.
for example if i move my mouse from the left to the right of my mousepad, it do 26cm.
then if i move my mouse faster it do 22cm.

is there anyway i can do to fix it??

have a nice day.
mousefix sux
wat do you mean???

if i remove the mousefix the neg accel will disapear???

or you just are telling your preference??? (and tbh i dont care about it)
usually only high dpi causes negative accel.
so... if with markc accelfix you got positive accel with a low dpi mouse,
remove the accelfix and use the default with gives positive accel by default, and i should be fixed... at least i dont think will cause so much neg accel anymore :o)

and yes its my preference too
i tryed but the feeling without the mouseaccel is just horrible!

its negative accel btw, not positive one!

thanks still for sharing your idea, but didnt work.

actually thats not an huge problem, thats just i cant play at the sens i'm willing to (40+cm/360)
What lettu said.

Mousefix only changes the windows accel algorithm afaik so that wont influence the accel the sensor has. You will always have to deal with negative accel if you use low sensitivity on a WMO because of the low malfunction speed.
No, sensor is too shit, only 1,55 m/s perfect control and little bit over 2 m/s malfunction speed afaik.

Sensor shit for you(ET, low/med sens it seems), buy new mouse.
what boss said, this is not a mouse for low sens
e:shouldnt be a reply but who cares
you have mouse problem i think
Depends on which end is negative accel produced. You are either hitting the border of Windows desktop (when using default ET mouse input) because of high DPI and low resolution (and maybe high windows sens, but I would leave it in middle) or your mouse's sensor just cant keep up to quick moves. In first case, lower your DPI as much as you can, maybe use RInput or smth. If it's the second case, get new mouse.
first of all, thanks for your useful answer!

i'm using windows default sens, i didnt try rinput yet but i'll and i cannot change dpi of this mouse (its blocked at 400 or 450 dunno)
well, if you are using 400dpi then its mouse problem for sure and I don't think RInput or anything similar will help.
maybe you know why but when playing ET on linux the neggative accel isnt as anoying as in windows.
How fast are u moving the mouse? :D

the sensor just cant handle it/that speed....
have the same problem with ime 3.0
when im using a verry low sens, i move it verry quick.

but that feeling isnt as much anoying while playing in LINUX eventho i didnt oced the usb port to 500hz.

maybe you know how to oc mouse to 500hz on linux?
i never overclocked my mouse, if its set on 125 its set on 125, if thers an option and is guaranteed it will handle more, il switch it with devolpers software (mouse driver)

on the side note, try this cvar " in_dgamouse 2"
wat does this cvar??

is there a minimizer for ET on linux???

i read on another post that we are able to use tzac with linux?! could you tell me how??
in_dgamouse raw input

gonna make one tonight

it might be possible to emulate a virtual enviorment with a certian program, but im not sure it will work
you mean make a virtual windows???

if yes how to do it???

will my sensi/feeling will be the same as in Linux ingame???

thanks for all your answer btw :-)
yes/should be

thers some software that alows u to run programs on linux that only run in windows - WINE

i tried it but my tzac didnt wann start after install, will try again when i have some time so i dont really know how it works yet.
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