
I got a problem with spawntimer
i type in console /timerset 30 and nothing happens :S idk i'm using a Sheep cfg mixed with beasty cfg
bind - "timerset 30 ; echo ^3Timer^1: ^330; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind = "timerset 20 ; echo ^3Timer^1: ^320; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind o "timerset 25 ; echo ^3Timer^1: ^325; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind p "timerset 35 ; echo ^3Timer^1: ^335; play sound/menu/select.wav"
but i can't see a red timer on hud :/
nice reply

put those lines in your config, then exec again and try it. should work
not working,i still can't see a red timer
what mod u playing on?
did u tried it after warmup? cause on warmup it doesnt work
Choose another cfg.
butchji's timer is pretty cool btween, mix it with karnaj's timerset bind and you'll get a nice timer :)
just use the in-game timer, hit numlock on their spawn time.
//Spawn timer
set spawntimer "vstr 20sekund"

set 20sekund "timerset 20; say_team ^2AXIS team"

bind kp_home "vstr spawntimer"

set spawntimer1 "vstr 30sekund1"

set 30sekund1 "timerset 30; say_team ^2ALLIES team"

bind kp_uparrow "vstr spawntimer1"
bind kp_pgup "resettimer; say_team ^2nerds spawned to get rolled"

KP_HOME - press it if u are in axis team
KP_UPARROW - press it if u are in allies team
KP_PGUP - press it when they spawn
bind x timerset 20
bind y timerset 30
bind n timerset 25
bind m timerset 35
How about using antman's scripts since they are the very best.
bind KP_5 "vstr timerSet-time; vstr enemy-spawned; play sound/menu/select.wav"
bind KP_UPARROW "vstr timerSet-toggle"
set enemy-spawned "^4 >>> ^q ! ! ! ENEMY SPAWN NOW^4 <<<"

set timerSet-time "timerSet 20"
set timerSet-toggle "vstr timerSet30"
set timerSet-TimerInput "openTimerInput; set timerSet-time resetTimer; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx"

set timerSet15 "set timerSet-time resetTimer; timerSet 15; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet20; echo ^4>> ^qTimer Set: 15; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSet20 "set timerSet-time resetTimer; timerSet 20; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet30; echo ^4>> ^qTimer Set: 20; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSet30 "set timerSet-time resetTimer; timerSet 30; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSetxx; echo ^4>> ^qTimer Set: 30; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set timerSetxx "set timerSet-time vstr timerSet-TimerInput; set timerSet-toggle vstr timerSet15; echo ^4>> ^qTimer Set: Input; play sound/menu/select.wav "^4 >>> ^q ! ! ! ENEMY SPAWN NOW^4 <<<"
Bind n vstr "omfg"
set omfg "vstr omg"
set omg "timerset 5; set omfg vstr zomg"
set zomg "timerset 10; set omfg vstr wtf"
set wtf "timerset 15; set omfg vstr lol"
set lol "timerset 20; set omfg vstr rofl"
set rofl "timerset 25; set omfg vstr xD"
set xD "timerset 30; set omfg vstr omg"

Best and easiest spawn timer
I am also having problems with spawntimer
trap the cat
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