Rapk for OC

Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrah CrossFire folks!
Since FranceRapk a young boy from our guetto "les pyramides" cannot log into this website I decided to offer him a little bit of my electronic popularity.

He would like to play computer video game with a team for the next ClanBase OpenCup. He also would like to play with computer users around medium skill. Every girls at school said they would like to use image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRueCkzcg4guEDTQddARQKQzMzgEEZbahhdhR9fOBIoEAmx2p2u&t=1 because he knows how to use those kind of things on the interwebs. To sum up, he's able to play medick aie aie aie eheheheheh. United KingdomEnglish, he speaks it motherfuckers but he doesn't mind playing with 3rd world countries teams and shit if needed.

After reading this you probably cannot resist the temptation to contact him...Here it is :
Quotec=319:05c=3 <Rapk> reply here, xfire: frarapk , #IRC /q Rapk

(Yes, my time-stamps are cool)

image: vghjp
And he's a ginger
rapk noob
GL 3on3 warrior
peut pas poster solo
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