su and <3 cannabis
Moderation is key
I wouldn’t rely on “legitimate studies” because these studies are done by people who rarely had drug experiences themselves.

Anyway, does it matter? Would a “loss of IQ” be a valid reason for potheads to quit smoking? I don’t think so.

I’ve been smoking weed lightly for years and I think it has not affected my IQ. But how could I know? Without a parallel universum where I meet and greet my alter ego and get us both examined I can hardly tell whether I’m more stupid because I smoked pot.
This is a perfect advert for the topic above.

Would you permit this post being used commercially to alert people to ongoing affects of cannabis use? Obviously, as your clearly aware. It's a big, big problem.
subjective experiences should def. have nothing to do with scientific studies
if u think a well done scientific study is somehow significantly flawed, then i dont know what to say :)
Yeah I could've chosen my words better, I meant, should your decision on smoking weed or not be based on the findings of a scientific study.
lul rastafaris mad
alot of stuff causes braindmg including cannabis (only if u smoke it everyday 99x times per day for years and years)

sitting down behind ur pc causes brain dmg
playing pc games causes brain dmg

hf with ur 1cell
Reading your attempt at English causes Briandmg.

its not english its american

surprise motherfucker
Ok well your attempt at the American, English decent' language causes Briandmg.

What's the fucking difference bitch? Your still a spaz.
The problems is with you, within

ur a peter

i doubt u got enough braincells to understand a simple sentence
Ok yoda.

I'm Kevin.

Apple 4 life.
that explains why most of the community is retarded tbh, sometimes i feel like i dont belong in this community with all these crackheads smoking weed all day with no life goals, etc
I feel hurt brother :(
u know this dont apply to u bro, since ur cool and settled ;]

but some of these other guys man.. just smoking at pc all day long
I never smoke it unless in Holland these days anyway. You still going to LAN? I have not seen anyone online recently at all
im busy with work so hardly playing, maybe a 3on3 now n there

most likely will go tho
#care i dont smoke
Quoteheavy marijuana use

It is nice that they provide such a accurate information.
you can't expect numbers because the consumers didn't keep a record about the amount of weed they burned during these years.
But still, "heavy" is not the word to use without mentioning a relation to that word in context.
idd, heavy is different for everyone.

also i think some ppls can "tolerate" weed (even tho its bad for health and brain), some ppl can't.

i think also that kamz is right, when you smoke thats mostly because you are bored of life and you have no goals at it, thats why you should only smoke till 16 years imo.
u can smoke since you have 0 brain cells already
Well I have been smoking for 7 years now and my IQ is still bigger than 98% of this community.
well, I gotta say I realized some effect after smoking 10 years and about 7 of them on a daily basis. But I'd say it's more a motivational thing. After stoping now for 1.5 years, I still have this 0 motivation-days which I did not have that much before.

So be carefull, but moderation is key, so don't give erwin or klemen too much of the stuff :)
I better switch to alcohol then.
So abusing a substance is bad for you? i did not know :(
Too late at this stage
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