hV recruiting for OC!

hello cf community!
HerneVarkaat (peasethieves) last CB SC 3Div 3rds are back and in need of few active players!

preferably Finland Fins but it seems like that all my fintardfriends stopped playing ET :< so from Europe is fine also

Lineup atm:
Finlandpannari (c) (MULTICLASS)
FinlandFatCat aka DrugCat (RIFLE)
EuropeEng smg?

we dont care about your skill becaus this is not going to be so serious but would be nice if you can handle med skill ":D"

be avi 3 times a week probably sunday,thuesday,thursday 19cet - 22cet

and oh yes TRYOUTS TONIGHT 19.30CET!

we got ts channel and probably gameserver to use.

contact IRC #kimmo6.et /q pannari or pm here

yea right
I could be avi for a team with this fatass obv haxor.
Fops/medic/engi/rifle, anything really.. :p

Just can't try out tonight I think as I already promised a girl to take her to dinner :p might be online after xD

Can provide TS/gameserver as well ^^
ai high voltage vai?
ei ihan mutta meeelkein
3rd place at SC?
gl pannarinko:)
fop/medic/smgengi/rifle avi
avi :PPPPP
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