monjiii looking for....

Me Netherlands(monji) is looking for a OC clan

skill : med/med+
active : nolifer
ex-clans : Belgium Xil-gaming
Anonymous1.23421 week clans
Europe team Disconnect
Netherlands Stronger Than Love ( still playing but no OC :> )
languages : NetherlandsDutch, England English

Good teamplay + some aim makes me the perfect guy ;)

[btw dont whine about: Registered: 4 February 2007
Member For: 1 month and 26 days]

Pmme @ #crossfire , ; monjii`cless
Stronger Than Love
what a wannabe's
nice guy take him <3

low+ max
sure rhandske.

btw waarom rus?
viber is beter dan jou en hij komt nog niet in de buurt van med+, maar goed.
Netherlands #Disconnect ?
skill : med/med+ o0

me > u!
hahahaha med xD you said me heidenreich and reaz are cheaters
and you will be med/med+ Oo?. come back in 2-3 month when you are rly med/med+

"Good teamplay + some aim makes me the perfect guy ;)"


now here some steps to become med skill

1. logout from
2. shut doen you pc
3. /kill irl
#disconnect is oldskool, fock daarmee niet he, niet die nieuwe disconnect shit.
gl, nice guy i think :)
ziet er pro uit
gl low+
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