Pingu/Abrikoos avi for OC

Hi there,

Since NBS'minimal got disbanded im looking for a new team to play with for the next OC!

About me:
Med'ish skilled
Can handle med+ (mostly as 2nd eng)
Medic/2nd eng
Cool guy and active if needed

About you:
Active team
Med'ish, can also be med-
Nice guys
Prefer stable team
Prefer Netherlands but english speaking teams are also fine

I just want a fun team to play with :)

pm me here or /q Abrikoos on IRC


gl pingu
nice guy
Can handle med+
wat is dit
gl nice guy deserves good team
keith hij is goed genoeg om med+ te spelen je kent hem niet eens goed :D:D:/D
Can handle med+

Expected people to think that, though when i play with skilled players I can catch up. I'm not saying I am med+ , i can handle it..
med+ XD
not sure u can handle med+ 6o6's, but I do think you could get to med with some proper team
i can handle med+ as truck driver
i can handle med+ throwing ammo
every 1 geting such a skillboost in AVI topic's
waddist lowerd:d
gl take this awesome player!!!
succes menneke!
med+ cmon...
but still gl
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