DetonationXL Community (eSports & Fun)

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Call of Duty 4 and Battlefield 3 Key Give Away!
Register on our website to know more on the 1st of October 2012!
You will be contacted through Newsletter, so make sure to set '' as Trusted

DetonationXL is a new community. Thought by us, made by you.
Our focus lies on communication, teamwork and fun.

Our goal is to attract pre-teams (teams that already exists but don't have a clan yet) to join them with DetonationXL.
If they achieved certain goals we can provide sponsorship. So, DetonationXL thought by us.. Made by you.
Without the teams effort there is no existence.

Team Name: DetonationXL
Nationalities: Benelux - Europe
Language: Dutch, English
Activity: 24/7

What DetonationXL wants to achieve:

Making and attracting top team(s) around ESL/CB and any other tournament / cup associates.
Having a vast reliable community with friendly and fun people. A community for the public.
But also a community were eSports is on our top priority list.

The people that are interested so far, this is a list with the already picked up teams:
(Some list aren't completed yet, we are working to finalizing with them)

- League of Legends
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Call of duty 4
- Tribes: Ascend
- APB: Reloaded
- Guild-wars 2

For these games we would like to pickup teams:
- Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
- Starcraft 2
- Battlefield 3
- Tribes: Ascend

If you have any further questions you can ask them at:

Steam Community:

Feel free to look around.

Yours Faithfully,
DetonationXL Management

- sKynZ (skynz(at)detonationxl(dot)com)
DetonationXL Head Admin

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- Snacks (snacks(at)detonationxl(dot)com)
DetonationXL Head Admin

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- Kuppel (kuppel(at)detonationxl(dot)com
DetonationXL Head Admin

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- Counter-Strike: Source

so ppl still play source?+
Yes people still play source.
Main reason is most people that come from either Source or 1.6 dont like CS:Go as it is right now.

My opinion, i like CS:Go. But not my game :)
Get ET team :L
We are looking for all kinds of good eSports teams.

And yes, we are also looking to pickup an w:ET team :)
#bsturz nice team :)
Don't know the team, since I am not really into the w:ET scene.
But i will check them out.

Remember guys, we have some Game Key Give Aways!
And we are obviously also still looking to pick up teams :)
Don't pick up bsturz - a low rep in the et scene, due to playing with cheaters/excheaters and morons for the last few years. Better off giving your support to a team that deserves it
haters gona hate
so who is cheating who is an excheater?
u have no clue about us
mad because of bad?
I would appreciate, to not have a random rant on this topic.
Thank you :)
Joe can fuck every single player of your team 1 by 1 or even 1vs6 if you want
you mad bro?
we low rep? since when?:D we dont flame anybody and play decent.

Same for you, i would appreciate to not start a rant because somebody step on someones e-peen.
Thank you.
Just normal crossfire nothing to worry about here
I know, But its unnecessary to start a rant here. While there are tons of threads on Crossfire mate.
Dont take up bsturz, not the best reputation they got. They can't even get a stable team, nor will they ever attend a LAN.
Thank you for the headsup.
Still we are looking for team(s) that are willing to be picked up, and are LAN-able.
QuoteAnd yes, we are also looking to pickup an w:ET team :)
Then edit your recruitment post and add it ;) Good luck and have fun :)
Editted. Thank you for the heads up and Support :)
:XD i was about doin the same
Love you guys too.
/q klassiej
You mean IRC right?
DetonationXL Released a new Counter-Strike:Source fragmovie.
Check it out on youtube:

Or check out our newspost on our website:
no offence, but wtf did I just watch?
No offence taken.
You just watched at a short Fragmovie of our CS:S team we picked up.
They will be shown with in-depth detail on the 1st of October 2012.
If interested, that's the same date as we are going to give away Game Keys.
Haven't heard from you nor I know anything about you but from a first glimpse looks like a very nice org!
Glad to see there are still organizations interested in ET. Sponsoring ET team is relatively easy since you need to offer them only voice and gaming server. Tho you wont get that much revenue since ET is indeed pretty underground FPS.
I know them from the CoD4 scene. It's a decent org indeed, and its great to see orgs that are willing to sponsor ET teams.

They can get a bit of revenue, because Seanza (who's organising Adroits) organises alot of on/offline competitions. People who follow Adroits on FB, 1521 so far, will see, for example, photos of the ET-teams on the page.

Thank you for that compliment. We are working hard on the community day in, day out.
The reason why DetonationXL is taking interest in w:ET is because I am a former w:ET player.
I am taking personal interest in w:ET, therefore I am the Squad Supervisor for Enemy Territory.

We don't really care about the revenue itself, but for the fun of the community.
Though since w:ET is an underground FPS, and still worldly known for being a class FPS we are willing to support an w:ET team with whatever we can throw at it.
And giving Wolfenstein: Enemy-Territory another dot on the map.


Thank you for the recognition. We are able to set up a server for the ET team, and able to give a nice community without egocentric e-peen heroes. Event sponsoring, for example paying tickets and giving T-shirts away is a no-go at this early stage of our Community. I have to be honest, I am totally not familiar with the ET scene anymore and have to do my research about it. As far as i know, CoD4 is also a dying game but thanks to Cyber game leagues the game is not bleeding anymore.

If there are anymore questions e-mail me. Since i will be looking at my inbox almost constantly.
Good luck!

What are you willing to give to the teams?
We are able to do the following things:

- Give a private server and maybe a public.
- Giving an very active and every expanding community.
- Giving you the privelige to be the #1 ET squad of our community.
- Giving an very active community teamspeak server.
- Recognition through our Social Media Hub.
- An ever updating website with every new think you guys can come up with.
- And maybe somethings i missed :)

For an faster reply, e-mail me:
you'd better get someone who actually can talk english
Talking English is no problem. Anything else?
We are able to do the following things:

- Give a private server and maybe a public.
- Giving an very active and every expanding community.
- Giving you the privelige to be the #1 ET squad of our community.
- Giving an very active community teamspeak server.
- Recognition through our Social Media Hub.
- An ever updating website with every new think you guys can come up with.
- And maybe somethings i missed :)

For an faster reply, e-mail me:
Thank you for the heads up.
Maintaining a community is hard work.

By the way, It's writing English.
Stop being an ass, small mistakes can happen to everyone.
but its crossfire :s
Doesnt mean everyone has to act like an ass to people who do something nice for this community.
Don't you have an Wolfenstein Enemy Territory team Ironic? :)
#Devastation already has all the things we need. And I cba playing under #DetonationXL again XD :D
DetonationXL wasn't an community back then to begin with.
Nor do we ask you to play under our umbrella.
Nou nou, niet zo serieus nemen he! ;D Ironic speelt met mij, altans ben backup nu sinds ik geen actief ET meer doe.
Y u no Serious! :) Ah, oke. That clears things up :)
Hm, not really. I'm playing with #devastation for lan, but we dont play that much and we have all whats needed already, as Domi said :)
Yea no problem ironic.
We just picked up a CoD4 team.

We have the following eSports teams:

- Counter-Strike: Source
- League of Legends
- Call of Duty 4

#Jeej ^_^
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