x3NJa avi
avi for a team, won't be rebuilding glitz so stay away with these comments.
avi 2-3 nights per week.
prefer to play smg engineer, no idea how i will aim, probably at a shit level.
i expect you to have pracc times and some positions.
avi to tryout today, for more infos, just PM me here, not using IRC until I find a team.
avi 2-3 nights per week.
prefer to play smg engineer, no idea how i will aim, probably at a shit level.
i expect you to have pracc times and some positions.
avi to tryout today, for more infos, just PM me here, not using IRC until I find a team.
but gl m8
Just check CB, DonMattias will contact you when we will play...
It´s offi only :D
gl man :)