Arnold/sw1ruz avi

Yo, I'm available for this ec, esl n shit. also can go to upcoming lan and can pay for myself and blablabla.

some info:
- playing offi only would be nice but if team is rly ok I can consider praccing 1-2 times a week.
- handsome and muscular.
- awesome bodyshooting and gibbing.
- quite good reviving medic.
- free bodyguard on upcoming lan if gonna happen.
- I don't whine at ts coz I don't have enough english skills to do it. I only whine at gtv or voicechat.

so leave me a message here or catch me at #bacardi-et, sometimes I'm there. take care
- quite good reviving medic

woah woah calm down folks, one at a time
Two twos naaaaaaaa
gl sw1ruz : D
Good luck, stay safe.
do u still suck at boxing pencilneck
swiruzna lana mozemy zrobic team, to ja gnajda, za 2 tyg wracam do napierdalania !!
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