supski is back
Well supski was one of the most active team and had alot of fun so fumble registred us for OC and we r in premier league (again) After a sucessfull top 4 place in SummerCup premier league with all those EC teams we are happy to be back again.
Fumble is still off because he doesnt have a computer yet so i need alot of players
So ye what we need is players that can handle premier league (med/+) would prefer to know you or heard of you i like making new friends though!
So ye we need a skilled fop,a skilled engy, and a skilled medic probably and also a good backup/main player if fumble doesnt get his new pc before seasons start.
OC prem experience
pracc days (thursday and sunday mostly with some mixes if u can)
and the chance to play with the mighty fumble
pm me here or on at quakenet irc probably ritoo or whatever
<[CAN]shaun> med+
<[CAN]shaun> high
<[CAN]shaun> good skill