BoRi is ready to rumble



Yes, it's true!

So I just came back to play seriously, because I haven't got that much to study and stuff so I'd like to kill some time. Last time I opened this game, well that was like 2years ago, can't even remember.
I used to play engineer and field ops most of the time, but I can handle every class, literally.
I give you:
Fun time on vent, when I am offline.

I expect:
Very good clan!

My purpse in this game: learn english.

Contact me here!
Will take me a day to reply to all the messeges.
Wrong section of the forum!

BoRi should return to; Return to Castle Wolfenstein!!

Welcome back though ;)!
So great to see you again my friend!
GL <3!
BoRi's panzaaaaa in rtcw cup with Cave?!
good luck bori!
someone take him so he can make another movie :S
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