kNoche avi for oc


because I'm sharing my brother wsk with enhanced, i look around for a team to play with this Opencup.
i prefer 6on6 but 3on3 would be fine aswell. I could play 2 times a week.

skill? around medish, sometimes with plus
teamplay medic and rambo if needed

Would be nice to have heard something about you and pls be not totaly retarded or some kind of no english polaks.

Moar Infos in my profile!!!

pm here or #wsknoche

image: Dessous-sexy-3-1-112316_L

gl from no english polak ;)
gl friend <3
glückauf! :D
heyheyhey schnuggi! send me a message, i'd like to come back and am a lil ... totally no-planned about the new et stuff etc.

so text me and you'll get a hug! :*
laber nicht :D
good luck!

morgen sind wir zwischen 18 und 18.30 da denke ich :D
morgen ist homburger wiesn ... also bitte.
oha! bei dem wetter? hf :D
gl m8!

take him! rly nice player!!!
GL faghat!
So, I guess bd isn't playing...? :D
I think not :<
But why nottttttttttttttttttttt :(
I'm sure one of us can play in the weeks too x)
too many people in BD that _can_play but never do :(
Do some organising!
we did that, it was useless.

thomm only playing when he isnt hangovered or going out (=never)
gungy only playing if there is 6 from the lineup, and even if thats the case 1 game max.
merlinator shows up once in 2 weeks
you and parzi never there :P

got too frustrating lately, especially since we recruited 2 nice and good guys and it didnt lead anywhere because we never even had a 5th.
Don´t be angry, there is nothing more to say and probably that is not the right place for it.
Wut? Who's angry? :D
gl freund
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