RP: #erAse.et needs 6th for adroits

Good daaaaaaaay,

image: wilz10

Like the topic title says, famous stoner clan #erAse.et is looking for a 6th. We thought we had one but apparently we don't (so logical, yes).

The five people we have at the moment are:

NetherlandsesSe our almighty leader and engi smg.
United KingdomNips our godly senor aimer deluxe.
NetherlandsCarlos who we've picked up in our search for LAN players.
NorwayHexagon our very own Runobro, who plays fops.
NetherlandsDeann/Ap0c which is me and I guess I'm pretty random and I can play anything.

This leaves 1 spot open!

We need a 6th asap! We've already paid the fee, so might be we'll give u a discount of some sorts on that for helping us out and such ;) We've also booked a location we're staying at which is approximately 7 km from the lancentre (we will be going back and forth with taxi/public transport stuff). This will cost 75 euros for 3 nights (thursday-sunday) and breakfast is included.

You can send esSe http://www.crossfire.nu/user/25530/esse1999 a pm via CF.
Thank you for your time.

image: chhfa
goedgeluk, cu lan
that would be awesome :)
you should pm crabje ;)
It's fucking Adroits fucking inbreds
shut up nigglet
You're welcome :D
gl esse
carlos gaat enhanced niet naar lan :S?
blijkbaar niet he :P
Nooooope te veel dodgers deze keer, had geen zin om 4 mensen te zoeken..
If you really can't find anyone else I guess I can do it.
awesome logo guys, good .
U better go!
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