floods of vomit are looking for

Two guys (Poland yda, Poland beliar), who haven't played since summer 2009, are looking for one more player to create 3on3 team. Don't even think about regular workouts. We want to play 2-3 cb/esl ladder games per week, expect fridays and saturdays.
After a long break, we are low/low+ skilled.
If this option suits you, you are nice, communicative, Poland or Europe, send me pm or try to find me on #tabloid-junkies
Have a nice day!

you'll be med+/high around the 1st of december
every topic i go u come up with this same joke :/ Makes you look like a dummy already :-€
This is the first time I made this joke. Others were about myself. Shut it
I approve this joke. Quality dutch homocide
avi ;)

started playing again for bout 2 weeks.
skill around low+
friday + saturday sounds cool.
PM if u'r still lookin for 3rd! if not, gl :)
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