Partytime, bring your hat

Partyhats are looking for some people to fill the lineup.
Dropped TBS cuz of no idea why just using our winningspreeing 3o3 team to make a 6o6 team now.


Good rifle + bu medic/fops
Avi 2x per week at least
med/+ cuz we need to be carried
we don't care if ur asian or whatever, it seems to work for some other teams as well to have some unhit fucktard in their lineup

LU now:

Excite (online only)
Gizmo (aimbotting son of a bitch)
Shnz (busted cheater gg wp)

Hybratek (ingame leader nobody ever listens to)

yeah just pm here or whatever, we'll play tonight perhaps
dooppi for sure

Quote by Un-named Asian unhit ETPlayerLol TBS? Didn't we roll those noobs 4-0?
Was not really specifying one person to be honest, but erase's lan performance? :)
Unfortunately the Un-named Asian unhit ETPlayer couldn't make it to LAN, his cow couldn't get him there fast enough.
It just proves my point that it is a good thing to have an unhit fucktard on the team, online.
Hehe, got facerolled hard by devastation, in their first game together.

Easiest match ever
First game together for erase idd!
EC team? lololol mad
2 players from ec team only? lololol mad
jelly obv :)
very much son, very much
Zo jammer he, dit.
gl . altijd avi als bu pmme
Daar gingen we al vanuit ja maar no thanks man eerst ff anderen checken
Succes Bas!

Mooie schilderijtjes trouwens.
Thanks man!

Ja wij hadden er zelfs 3 op onze kamer gek!
Wij geen man :{ Ik kan wel spelen, maar geen OC. Avi op woensdag en zondag. Misschien soms op vrijdag/zaterdag. Medic only en soms beetje fops. Aiii
did u won the LAN?
hebben jullie timbolina gekickt?!?!
Timbolina speelt tegenwoordig met effectus zag ik man!
so what league you want to play?
Clanbase and ESL, what else? Its not like there are many other supporting ET :/
Like Excite already explained to you, we wanted to go for a LoL ladder really but yeah.. we play ET.
it's not like apocalypse won't notice that mistake, dunno how shNz managed to get unbanned but whatever
Same way you got him banned in the first place, but then with a normal result.
the mistake of listening to you, someone who doesn't even understand the simplest protocol found on the internet?
he still got the RWB for 3 months C&A entry, which is absolutely impossible because the only 2 suspension lengths being used by the CB are 12 and 120 months. So of course there is a mistake which falsely got him unbanned
maybe cook up some proof before you keep on accusing people
The clanbase has an IP match, else they would not have banned him, and I think this: during a 2on2 cb offi says enough
no that is vivaz, don't care about how I busted vivaz, I'm talking about shnz here you idiot

Also show me this IP match and the dates, as you are clearly uneducated about this subject IP matches are only valid if they are recorded at at least the same day. If you come up with YAE I will lose all the respect I could possibly have for you since it hides the last fucking 3 digits of an IP address..
First of all, don't be this mad.

Second, you still only are talking about a single IP match and didn't give me any dates of the matches in question. You're here to prove something, not to show how likely something is.
You're the one who called me an idiot up above, and I'll say it again... everyone who played with him before he returned as shNz and after that can confirm you for 100% that it's him. The CB banned him for IP matches in their databases, not for IP matches on YAE.

And about the point "not to show how likely something is."... how likely would it be that of 80 million people living in Germany exactly shNz gets the IP that a busted cheater had before... I'm mad about the fact how you still defend him although he sometimes doesn't even denie it anymore
He always denies it? I think you don't really understand sarcasm.
And again, you're not providing any proof you're only claiming that you have. Tamje is not experienced enough to understand how to work with these things. Where do you think that 'killerboy you're a fucking moron' came from? IP matching bullshit, thats right!
It was not t4mj who banned him, it was Dream. And I am able to not mix up seriousness with sacasm and especially on a few lines on and ingame it was clearly serious.

And if you don't mind I'd like to keep browsing without being anoyed by your faggoty idiocy and now fuck off, accept that t4mj and the Clanbase are not my pets and that they ban with proofs.
Soll ich jetzt etwa hinter jeden Kommentar explizit hinschreiben, ob der jeweilige Kommentar ernst oder sarkastisch, bzw ironisch gemeint ist? Man man man, was man nicht alles für minderbemittelte Menschen machen muss.
succes :)
OMG A UNICORN! .......................... no wait... it was just a horse with a partyhat
avi backup
goed geluk :)
ty dikzakkie
ook echt precies op de dag dat ik mn bf % heb laten meten :(
beetje timbolina kicken.
fuckers.... haaat
neehoor moet ie zn cb id maar geven,

fuckerrrrr haaat idd
gl lekkerdier
timb if you read this
I just wanted to let you know that doopi went engi again
hes fucking killing et even more...
was trying to get in contact with you bro
avi als iets beter dan low+ op het moment goed genoeg is gheheh
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