hvK avi

Looking for a new team after a comeback with an old team didn't exactly end all too well, you don't have to be uber active, but 1 day a week or something isn't any good for me.

What I can offer

x Activity
x Skill of med/+ I have no fucking clue anymore
x Good comms
x Rifle, can play smg (terribly) at times when needed

What I'm looking for

x Activity
x Skill of med+
x Good comms
x Tactics

Anyway, if you're interested in giving me a try, contact me here or on IRC

/q hvk or HVKED

good luck bro :*
Please don't try take credit for it :P
Takes one to know one

Thanks bro <3
gl dude!
lol nerd l2tj. You don't give good comms, your accent is unbearable!!!
gl but not really med+
quite a few uk cless players atm make a team :)
HL heVAKEeeeeee
inspiron destroyed this one
gl though
not praccing destroyed this one.
i still thought u wouldve got this :X
gl dudis
good luck noob.
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